April 2nd – Update from the Pastor

EAC Church family,

You are loved, missed and prayed for during these days we are apart.

I wanted to give you just a short heads up about some upcoming Holy Week opportunities available online:

Saturday April 4 – A Day to Fast & Pray – CLICK HERE

Thursday April 9 – Day of Prayer Webinars – you must register HERE

Friday April 10 – Good Friday Live Stream Service with President of the C&MA John Stumbo.
Join the service live at 4:00 p.m.; 6:00 p.m.; 8:00 p.m.; 10:00 p.m by CLICKING HERE

We will also be posting daily “Eyewitness” videos beginning on Palm Sunday all week through Resurrection Sunday. Look for these here on the site, as well as on our Facebook and Instagram.

REMINDER: don’t forget to be prepared to celebrate Communion at our own online service this Sunday, April 5. I look forward with joy to our Easter service next week. Just had the weird thought it might be the first “Easter in pajamas” for many of us.

Praying for you,
Pastor Louie