Welcome to Discovery Children’s Church, online, Sunday April 12, 2020.
Today’s lesson includes the following: Video, Family Discussion Questions, Worship Song, Games and Activities, Devotional Challenge, and Memory Verse. (The 2/3 Nursery Lesson Story for today can be found Here)
The real Easter Story is about God’s Grace. Last week we learned that sin breaks our friendship with God. God’s grace is giving us what we do NOT deserve when we trust in Jesus we receive God’s forever friendship and living our life in God’s family. Let’s watch this video together and see what the Konnect HQ team learns about grace.
Today’s Video:
Family Discussion Questions :
- What is your favorite part of Easter? Discover more about each other.
- Grace means we get something good instead of what we deserve. What good things does God give us when we choose to follow Jesus? Defining the important points.
- After Jesus died what happened to him? Retelling a part of the story.
- God showed grace to us, what can I do this wee to show grace to others? Action Steps Any idea is welcome.
Worship Song “Jesus is Alive”:
Practice learning the words to this song, have your parents play this song every day this week!
You can learn the dance moves this week and dance along.
Games and Activities:
- Have small prize on hand, pieces of candy, etc. Give each student a piece of paper and tell them to make a paper airplane. Give them a small target and say, in order to get the prize they have to hit the target three times, you can make any other impossible goal such as a time limit. If the student asks for the prize even though they did not win the challenge give it out. Let them know, this is just like God’s grace. When we accept Jesus into our heart we do not deserve his friendship, but Jesus always says yes. If students do not ask for prize give them their prize.
- Find a small box and wrap or decorate it. Put it in a spot to remind you God’s Grace is a gift. Have your parent or guardian take a photo of it and then share on facebook or instagram with the hashtag #201204RootedKids
- Special Video for parents on teaching grace to children. Grace is not an easy concept to grasp. Here is a video for parents from Pursue God ministries on how parents can show grace every day. Click Here
This Week’s Devotional Challenge:
- When God created us He said we were good. We still want to be good because God created us good. Just like when Adam and Eve ate the fruit and broke their friendship with God, we do things we want to do even though we know they are wrong. But God’s grace is bigger than our sin. Take some time each day to start a habit of reading a devotional this week about Grace. Try doing this as a family.
- Go To YouVersion Bible App, click on reading plans, search for “God’s Grace” (it is 11 days long)
- If you do not have the app go here: www.go2.lc/KonnectBiblePlans and click on “God’s Grace”
- Have your parent or guardian share a photo of a picture you drew about the devotion or post the verse for the devotion on facebook or instagram and hashtag it #201204RootedKids
Memory Verse:
Romans 10:9 NIRV “Jesus is Lord. Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. Then you will be saved.”