Welcome to Discovery Children’s Church, online, June 7, 2020.
Today’s lesson includes the following: Video, Family Discussion Questions, Worship Song, Games and Activities, Devotional Challenge, and Memory Verse. The nursery story can be found here
Honesty is being truthful in your words and keeping your promises. Choose to tell the truth to respect God and others. Let’s watch this video together and see what the Konnect HQ team learns about telling the truth.
Today’s Video:
Family Discussion Questions :
- What is the craziest lie you heard someone say? Discover more about each other.
- What does it mean be honest? Defining the important points.
- Think of someone you have lied to, apologize this week, or is there a lie you say a lot, ask God to help you not say that lie this week. Action Steps.
Worship Song: Every Move I Make
Practice learning the words to “Journey of a Lifetime”, have your parents play this song every day this week!
Games and Activities:
- Object lesson: Have three clear cups and one small toy or candy that will fit underneath. As a leader say, “close your eyes I am going to hide the prize.” Hide the prize under one of the clear cups. Then ask them to open their eyes and find the prize. Of course it is easy to spot! Say – “This is like lying. Even if we try to trick others God will always know the truth, God wants to help us be truthful.
- Holy Spirit Tree. Make your own fruit of the spirit tree to remind you this week the fruits the Holy Spirit gives you. Hang it in your room, or put them in your Bible.
Devotional Challenge:
- Go To YouVersion Bible App, click on reading plans, search for “Godly Character-Konnect”. If you do not have the app go here: www.go2.lc/KonnectBiblePlans and click on “Godly Character”
- Have your parent or guardian share a photo of a picture you drew about the devotion or post the verse for the devotion on facebook or instagram and hashtag it #202604RootedKids
Memory Verse:
Proverbs 12:22 NLT “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth.”