Welcome to Discovery Children’s Church, online, August 2, 2020.
Today’s lesson includes the following: Memory Verse, Video, Family Discussion Questions, Worship Song, Games and Activities, and Devotional Challenge. The nursery story can be found here
Memory Verse:
Matthew 15:14 NIRV, “If a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit.”
Jesus is the best example to follow, but we can learn from and follow other people too. Before you follow them make sure they are setting a good example and pray about it. Let’s watch this video together and see what the Konnect HQ team learns about following others.
Today’s Video:
Family Discussion Questions :
- Which flavor of pudding is your favorite? Discover more about each other.
- Who is always the best example to follow? Defining the important points.
- Name some people who are godly people and would be good examples to follow. Action Steps.
Worship Song: Children of the Light
Practice learning the words to “Children of the Light”, have your parents play this song every day this week!
Games and Activities:
- What do you want to know, Grab an index card or piece of paper and write a question or drawing explaining what you would like to know about someone who you think would be a good example to follow. #EACRootedKids.
Devotional Challenge:
- Go To YouVersion Bible App, click on reading plans, search for “Lead and Follow”. If you do not have the app go here: www.go2.lc/KonnectBiblePlans and click on “Lead and Follow”
- Have your parent or guardian share a photo of a picture you drew about the devotion or post the verse for the devotion on facebook or instagram and hashtag it #EACRootedKids
Memory Verse:
Matthew 15:14 NIRV, “If a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit.”