Follow Wisely – Discovery Church

Welcome to Discovery Children’s Church, online, August 2, 2020.

Today’s lesson includes the following: Memory Verse, Video, Family Discussion Questions, Worship Song, Games and Activities, and Devotional Challenge. The nursery story can be found here

Memory Verse:

Matthew 15:14 NIRV, “If a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit.”

Jesus is the best example to follow, but we can learn from and follow other people too. Before you follow them make sure they are setting a good example and pray about it. Let’s watch this video together and see what the Konnect HQ team learns about following others.

Today’s Video:

Family Discussion Questions :

  1. Which flavor of pudding is your favorite? Discover more about each other.
  2. Who is always the best example to follow? Defining the important points.
  3. Name some people who are godly people and would be good examples to follow. Action Steps.

Worship Song: Children of the Light

Practice learning the words to “Children of the Light”, have your parents play this song every day this week!

Games and Activities:

  • What do you want to know, Grab an index card or piece of paper and write a question or drawing explaining what you would like to know about someone who you think would be a good example to follow. #EACRootedKids.

Devotional Challenge:

  • Go To YouVersion Bible App, click on reading plans, search for “Lead and Follow”. If you do not have the app go here: and click on “Lead and Follow”
  • Have your parent or guardian share a photo of a picture you drew about the devotion or post the verse for the devotion on facebook or instagram and hashtag it #EACRootedKids

Memory Verse:

Matthew 15:14 NIRV, “If a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit.”