533 East Elk Ave.
Elizabethton, TN 37643
Rise Up!
Alliance Women’s Regional Connect Conference
All women, of all ages of the Alliance Church are invited to attend a one day mini-conference in connection with the four other churches in Area 10 of the Alliance South District.
We will host women from our area sister Alliance churches where the day will begin with registration, breakfast, meeting, greeting and fellowshipping, followed. The program will open with a brief welcome, followed by a time of praise and worship, after which our speaker Amanda Gosline will speak regarding her upcoming assignment in Kosovo, Poland. After hearing from Amanda we will have lunch. The balance of the afternoon will include a focus on several of the national projects that Alliance Women is supporting this year.
Scholarships are available upon request.
Childcare is available upon request. Please let us know if you need childcare so that we can provide proper staffing.
Two offerings will be taken: A basket at registration to collect Amazon gift cards for Poplar Point Camp, AL, and an offering plate passed for Alliance Women South’s Expense Fund.