Interim Poll 2023

The Elders of EAC would like to communicate with you regarding the Interim Pastor Candidates that we have been having over the past 2 ½ months. These men are all recommended to us by the Bancroft Gospel Ministries in Kingsport. We have had a wide variety of candidates and as of Sunday, October 29 we will have been ministered to by a total of 8 different brothers. At this point, we would like your input as to these various preachers/speakers. I will list below information that will help you.

Here is how we would like to work it: If any of these candidates have had a significant ministry to you through their preaching at EAC, we would like to ask you to contact one of the elders with that information. Since we will hear the last candidate on October 29, we need your input by Tuesday, October 31 at noon, because we will be meeting to see what the Lord has to say on that day to extend a call as our Interim Pastor as soon as possible. Please understand that this is not a personality nor even preaching style, because some may lean toward one or another based on personal preference, but rather on which one(s) ministered most to you. We will ask you to give us your number one choice and your number two choice via the poll link. For reference, each candidates name, date they spoke, and blue link to their recorded message are listed below if you need to refresh your memory.



(click on the candidate’s name to see the video of their message)

August 27
Albert Williams: “No Victory Without a Vision.”

September 10
Mike Miller: “Unity Until Ushered Out.”

September 24
Shawn Spalti: “A Prayer for Revival.”

October 1
Dustin Daugherty: “The Call to Holy Living.”

October 15
Sam Konstantopolous: “The God I Know.”

October 22
Josh Richardson: “A Loving Savior.”

October 29
Roger Daugherty: “Be Prepared.”

Thank you,

Ray Long
(423) 737-2101

Mark Milbourne
(423) 341-8024

Bill Powell
(423) 217-2622

Larry Vaughan
(423) 262-7847