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Dear Elizabethton Alliance Church Family,
After this weekend we will have had three weeks of partial regathering. We are grateful that almost 2/3 of our congregation has been able to participate. At the same time we yearn for the day that we can all be together again. Our joy in being together is certainly mixed with a real sense of incompleteness for those not able to be with us.
As church leaders we have an ongoing conversation as to what are the best ways to regather in what is a fluid situation with conflicting information. The challenge is how to balance having people together while protecting our congregation. At this point we believe we can safely add one item to the protocols we sent out previously.
Children 10 years old and under may remove their mask once they are seated in their family unit. We ask that they wear a mask as they enter and exit the auditorium.
We hope this will allow more families with babies (babies & toddlers don’t wear masks) and young children to participate. Please remember that we have agreed to consider sounds from babies and young children as “an extra added attraction.”
It is evident that in a congregation our size there will be differing opinions in safety protocols. As always please feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions. We trust that no one will allow the enemy of our souls to cause division but will embrace the opportunity to live out the words of Scripture in Ephesians 4:1 – 3. Please read it carefully and prayerfully. Every word is important.
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
We remain excited about what God is doing in our lives and our church during these difficult times. In the meantime please know that you are missed, loved and prayed for.
Pastor Louie for the Elders of EAC